Wednesday, April 18, 2012

And Baby Makes Three...

When my nephew, Reed, was born, my sister-in-law, Mallory, started a blog to help keep everyone updated on the new baby.  I love reading about what their family has been up to, so I thought created this blog would be a great way to journal about my first pregnancy. 
Suffice to say, we are thrilled that we are expecting late October/early November.  I can't believe I'm already 12 weeks.  People have told me that time would fly, and I thought "yeah right, you're not the one who's pregnant!".  It has been nearly 2 months since we found out we were pregnant and have been excited every step.  On March 21, we had our first appointment with the OB-GYN, Dr. Huston, who is a family friend of Chadd's family.  I wasn't sure how I felt about this at first, but so far I really like him & he makes us feel really comfortable.  We had a sonogram done that day and the baby's heart rate was 148 bpm.  As soon as I saw this, I thought "I'm having a boy".  Chadd would be thrilled to have a boy & I'm indifferent.  A girl would be nice though ;).  Today we had our first doppler done & were able to hear the heart beat.  I was so excited for this, & figured it would be around 150.  I was surprised to hear it is 173! Prior to this, I was 80% sure it was boy, but now I'm not so sure.  My mom, sister, & sister-in-law all think it's a girl, so we will see (on June 29th to be exact).  In other news, because I work with kids all day, I am at risk of being exposed to numerous things.  Dr. Huston said to be careful of Shingles, because I've never had the chicken pox & was never vaccinated, & Fifths Disease.  Wouldn't you know, I was exposed to both of those within a week.  We did find out that I am immune to chicken pox & I had another titer done for fifths disease today. 
Words cannot express how excited we are for this.  I wasn't sure when I would ever be ready to have a baby, but I think that God must have known I was.  I can't wait to start feeling it!