Let the countdown begin! I'm officially in the third trimester, and I have to say I feel pretty good (probably just jinxed it). We saw our regular OB-GYN last Thursday. I was a little concerned because I had been feeling so much movement & strong kicks this past month, but all of the sudden it quieted down. Of course the day of our appointment when I started to say something to the doctor about it, he started moving like crazy. This could have been due to the fact that he was hyped up on sugar from the glucose test--which I passed with flying colors. Ever since then I feel like he has been really active. Everything checked out okay with the doctor. He let us know that we will not be able to see the pediatric orthopedic surgeon pre-delivery because there's only one in Springfield right now, so we will have to wait til after he is born. I'm sure he has a lot more serious things to deal with, and we already know a lot about what will happen once the baby is born, so no big deal. I start my 2 week appointments now. Can't believe I only have 12 weeks left! I'm starting to have slight anxiety because I have all these things I want to get done, and they are not done yet. We are currently remodeling our kitchen, and as soon as that's done I'll feel a lot better about everything else we need to get done. Our house is just so torn apart now, it's hard to imagine it being ready for a baby.
We met with the specialist today & had another sonogram. The baby was moving & kicking the whole time. Right now he's positioned breech, but the doctor assured me that really they don't need to be head down until around 36 weeks, and because the baby's so active, he'll definitely change positions. The doctor said that he's a little on the small side, but nothing to be concerned about. His foot looks good--still mildly clubbed, and he thinks that it's possible he may only need splinted to fix it. That's great news. We'll see him again in September so he can check up on the baby's size & foot. We got some awesome 4-D pictures. For every sonogram he has been sucking his thumb, so we got one of him sucking his thumb, and then when the doctor went to take another one, we looked and his foot was in his mouth. I do believe he gets this from Chadd...don't ask.
In other news, my grandpa passed away last week. My grandma described him as "a kind & gentle soul", which is exactly what he was. Even though our baby won't be able to meet him, I hope that he gets some of my grandpa's traits. One of the things I always remember my grandpa saying was "this too shall pass". It's a good reminder for a lot of things in life, and I need to remember it more often. We'll miss him, but I know that he was at peace & ready to go home.